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  • Hallucinations, Conflicts of Interest & World Peace

Hallucinations, Conflicts of Interest & World Peace

ALSO: How To Create Your Own Movies

Welcome, AI Superheroes

Hallucinations, Conflicts of Interest, World Peace & Create your own movies? Captain AI is here to run you through the latest news in AI!

Today’s Menu:

  1. Keep Up To Date With Latest News!

    • AI Safety Brings the World Together

    • Your Creativity + Pika = Oscar Movies

    • and more with Amazon Q Hallucinations, AI Airport & Altman’s Conflict of Interest

  2. ⚒️ 5 AI tools to transform you into an AI Superhero

  3. 🎨 ChatGPT’s Birthday!

  4. 📚 Resources

Read time: 5 minutes


Politics & AI

🌐AI Bringing World Goverments Together

What Happened:

The US, UK, and 16 other countries sign the first detailed international agreement on AI safety and prevent the misuse of artificial intelligence.

The agreement is non-binding, but includes recommendations including data protection and AI monitoring.

Why It’s Important: 

We are witnessing more and more global collaboration at the highest levels on the development of AI. These are early steps to establish AI safety, but is a positive sign towards a more collaborative future.

Content & AI

🎥Pika-chuuu! Create Your Own Videos With Pika


  • Input a text prompt to generate videos in various styles —> i.e. 3D, cartoon, cinematic, anime, etc…

  • Converts photos to videos —> i.e. from meme to gif or video

  • Edit the video and elements, you can customize the characters or background as you wish

Why It’s Important: 

This is an impressive step up to the inevitable development of prompt-based movies. So you, the audience, can create their own shows & movies instead of watching Netflix.

How far can this go? Can we use real people? We will definitely need to define boundaries and rules to our free imagination.

Amazon & AI

🤪 Amazon’s Q Suffering Hallucinations

Even chatbots need mental health day!

What Happened: 

Amazon launched last week its own AI assistant ‘Q’. The feedback has been underwhelming, with reports of:

  • Severe hallucinations: AI stating inaccuracies

  • Privacy issues: Q revealing confidential information

Amazon denies these reports.

Why It’s Important: 

Hallucinations are not new or uncommon with AI chatbots. However, combined with privacy issues, it seems Amazon jumped the gun with the launch and still has some kinks to work out.

Travel & AI

✈️Singapore’s Airport Tests AI Security Screening

Image by Leonardo AI

The Gist: 

The AI System will supposedly decrease (by half!) the time spent on security checks. The AI system interprets images from X-Rays that check cabin luggage at the boarding gate, decreasing the time required to process these images.

Why It’s Relevant: 

Initial results are positive, claiming the system is performing better than human security screeners. This is a good example of utilizing AI to reduce time-consuming activities and better the experience of everyday people traveling.

OpenAI & AI

💥OpenAI to Buy $51 Million AI Chips & Altman Conflict of Interest?

The Story: 

OpenAI signed a letter of intent to invest on AI chips in a startup named Rain AI. The chips are called neuromorphic processing units, and aim to duplicate features of the human brain.

However, Sam Altman has also personally invested in Rain. Does that pose a conflict of interest? Sam Altman is moving sus

What It’s Important: 

Google & Amazon have been developing their own chips. OpenAI cannot do so without serious funding. They need to invest in partners who can back them with AI chips conformed to their technical requirements.


💥Google postpones the launch of its LLM ‘Gemini’ to next year

🏪OpenAI’s GPT store delayed to 2024

💻 Google Meet can detect when you raise your hand IRL


🔥 AI tools

Mojju: GPTs Library. Find your perfect GPT to make your work life easier

📬Postli: Use AI-Powered Generator Functions to create impactful posts

📖Capitol: Data Storytelling powered by Generative AI

📝QuizGecko: Automatically Generate questions for surveys, exams, quizzes

🗣️ LiarLiar: Harness the Power of AI to Detect Lies & Truths


ChatGPT’s Birthday! 🥳🥳

Our Favorite AI Chatbot turned 1 this week!

Images by Leonardo AI


Here are free resources, I checked out all these tools so you don’t have to:

⬇️ Captain AI’s 100 tools 🔥🚨

That’s all for today, folks!

Captain AI’s Request

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