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  • Grok Roasts Musk, ChatGPT Writes Laws in Brazil

Grok Roasts Musk, ChatGPT Writes Laws in Brazil

PLUS: Google's Gemini Demo Backfires

Welcome, AI Superheroes

Musk’s baby AI Grok roasts him! ChatGPT writes laws in Brazil, and more!

Today’s Menu:

  1. ⚡ Keep Up To Date With Latest News! Including:

    • EU Agreement on AI Safety

    • Grok roasts Musk

    • Google’s Gemini Demo Backfires

  2. ⚒️ 5 AI tools to transform you into an AI Superhero

  3. 🎨 ChatGPT’s Birthday!

  4. 📚 Resources

Read time: 5 minutes


Politics & AI

What Happened:

EU legislators finally agree on historic deal to adopt AI Act Safety Development. The regulations will direct how machine learning models can be developed or distributed. AI Development will be split between 4 risk categories: Minimal, Limited, High & Banned.

The European Parliament will vote on the act early 2024, but with the deal agreed upon, it will likely go through.

Why It’s Important: 

This is an important step towards adopting legal oversight over high risk AI technology. Ensuring AI development in a safe environment is crucial to creating AI tools that benefit humanity.

Google & AI

🎥Google’s Gemini Disastrous Demo Blowback

The Deets: 

Google launched a demo for its LLM Gemini that supposedly surpasses GPT-4’s capabilities. It showed Gemini understanding visual movements and interacting live vocally.

However, AI experts have pointed out that Google manipulated the demo to make Gemini seem more powerful than it really is.

Google has later admitted Gemini was answering to images with prompts but the demo was edited which misrepresented the results.

Why It’s Relevant: 

The Gemini demo went from hero to zero real quick. Google rushed Gemini’s launch to beat OpenAI in the AI race, but that has clearly backfired. There’s been many examples lately of tech companies preferring acceleration over innovation & safety.

X (Twitter) & AI

🤪 Elon Musk’s Baby Grok Turns On Its Creator

What Happened: 

Grok officially launched for X’s Premium+ subscribers. And the internet did not disappoint. While Elon wanted Grok to be the opposite of ChatGPT, meaning more rebellious, funnier and less woke - it delivered on the first two but it turns out Grok is very left leaned according to users.

Grok also has no issue with making fun of Elon Musk, as the X post below clearly shows.

Tech Developers & AI

IBM, Meta and 50+ Companies form Responsible AI Alliance

What Happened: 

IBM, Meta and over 50 Founding Members and Collaborators launch the AI Alliance to create opportunities and drive innovation in the AI field. The Alliance would encourage projects that develop evaluation standards, responsible AI ecosystem, and AI research.

The AI Alliance would partner with existing initiatives from governments and non-profit organizations working in the AI space.

You can find the full list of companies involved here.

Why It’s Relevant: 

Might sound like a broken record, but I do appreciate more tech developers focusing on Responsible AI.

Google & AI

The Story: 

Brazil Lawmakers unknowingly adopted the nation’s first legislation written completely by ChatGPT using a 49-word prompt. When the news broke out, objections were raised on policies drafted by artificial intelligence.

What It’s Important: 

Despite objections being raised on the use of AI to draft policies, the legislation had been voted for when it was thought to be written by humans. It shows how far ChatGPT has gone and how it can change society’s experience at the highest levels.


📱Meta announces Purple Llama to build responsible Generative AI models

🧪Google AI discovers 2.2m materials unknown to science

🧬 Google’s Gemini can tell your life story using photos & phone data


🔥 AI tools

AnimateAnyone: Controllable Image to Video for Character Animation

✏️RemoveWatermark: Remove Watermarks from Images Easily

💪Dumbbell: Enhance your Fitness Experience with AI-drive Workout Tracker

📝Strut: All-In-One AI Workspace for Writers

🗣️ Tldv: Meeting Recorder that Transcribes and Summarizes Calls


Winter is Coming! ⚔️❄️⛄

It’s Getting So Cold Even The Penguins Need Layering!

Images by Leonardo AI


Here are free resources, I checked out all these tools so you don’t have to:

⬇️ Captain AI’s 100 tools 🔥🚨

That’s all for today, folks!

Captain AI’s Request

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