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  • Google is racing with OpenAI and Biden wants to control AI risks!

Google is racing with OpenAI and Biden wants to control AI risks!

ALSO: ChatGPT releases multimodal upgrade

Welcome Captain AI’s community,

🎃🎃 Hope you're all enjoying a spooktacular Halloween!

Halloween is the prefect theme as today Captain AI is uncovering spooky news on AI and how it continues to affect politics, global investments, talking robots and the future of copyrighting.

Today’s Wicked Menu:

  1. This week’s highlights in AI

    • 🚨Biden’s AI Executive Order

    • 💰GOOGLE invests $2 billion in Anthropic, OpenAI’s competitor

    • 🤖 ChatGPT releases multimodal and new file formats including PDF

    • 🌍 United Nations tackles AI governance

    • 🤖🐩 Boston Dynamic’s talking Chat-(ro)bot dogs

    • 🖼️ Nightshade ‘poisons’ AI models to fight copyright theft

    • and additional news!

  2. 🦹🏻 Villain of the week and the 5 AI tools to supercharge your productivity

  3. 🎨 AI pets revolution! AI Generated Images

  4. 📚 Resources

Read time: 3 minutes



President Biden issues an Executive order to lead America in harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence while managing its risks.

Here are some key highlights of the Executive Order:

  • New Standards for AI Safety and Security

    • Requiring developers to share safety test results with US govt.

    • Develop standards & tests to ensure AI safety

    • Establish advanced AI cybersecurity program

  • Protecting American’s Privacy

    • Development of privacy preserving techniques and develop guidelines for evaluation

  • Advancing Equity and Civil Rights

    • Address algorithmic discrimination and ensure fairness in the justice system

  • Ensuring Responsible and Effective Government Use of AI through clear standards

  • Promoting Innovation and Competition

You can find more details on the Executive Order here.

Why it’s important:

USA is taking a leadership stance on the use of AI. More importantly, they are showing a clear willingness for the integration of Artificial Intelligence.


The AI race is catching steam!

This investment would be on top of Google's previous $550M investment made earlier this year, bringing its total to $2.55B.

Anthropic, founded by former members of OpenAI, is also OpenAI’s biggest competitor in the Artificial Intelligence space. While OpenAI has ChatGPT, Anthropic developed Claude which shows promise of being the better model.

Why it’s important:

The AI race is heating up and the largest tech companies are placing their bets and picking their sides on who will come out on top. Following Amazon’s recent $4 billion investment in Anthropic, Google is following suit by investing big in Anthropic.


Image by LDJ on X

Speaking of ChatGPT, OpenAI just released a new multimodal version that enables you to upload and analyze various document types.

You can now access all GPT-4 tools without switching, including DALL·E 3. ALL TOOLS IN ONE UPGRADE.

This enhances the experience of using ChatGPT and strenghtens an already powerful tool that does not need to rely on external functionability.

Why it’s important:

The update is a major upgrade towards the all-in-one AI assistants we’re all waiting for.


The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday announced the creation of a 39-member advisory body to address issues in the international governance of artificial intelligence.

The UN body is tasked to reach a global scientific consensus on risks and challenges, while strengthening international cooperation on AI governance. The UN body is expected to issue preliminary recommendations by the end of 2023 and final recommendations by the summer of 2024.

Why it’s important:

AI spread like wildfire, which has raised immense concerns on its risks to society. This prompted many governments to work on AI regulation, and international calls for global collaboration.


Boston Dynamics, famous for its agile robot dogs, has integrated ChatGPT to its four-legged ‘Spot’ bot.

The talking bot recognizes and answers questions while showing off different personalities and accents (including a very British accent).

It also has a tiny hat to complete its look because dogs are supposed to be cute.

Why it’s important:

We are getting closer each day to making Will Smith’s “I, Robot” movie a reality. This opens up opportunities on AI applications on robots and how we could communicate with them (or probably order them) - We could be either end up like “I, Robot” or “Wall-E”, pick your future.


Researchers have unveiled Nightshade, a tool designed to disrupt AI models attempting to learn from artistic imagery.

When integrated into digital artwork, Nightshade misleads AI models, causing them to misidentify objects and scenes.

Why it’s important: 

Many artists and creators, in various fields from writing to music and digital art, have expressed concern over the use of their work in training commercial AI products without their consent. This proves that tools can be used to combat AI copyright theft and related issues.


Meta’s AI research group wants to keep releasing models for free despite criticism that Llama 2 isn’t open enough.

“It’s going to be monumental, earth-shattering. There will be a before and an after.”


🦹 The villain of the week is IDLENESS!

Every day you worry about daily tasks at work, whether you have to deal with legal shenanigans, sales proposals, marketing strategies, or video ideas if you’re a creator.

Being efficient and fast is crucial to most working processes today. Luckily, Captain AI is here to guide you to earn more while working less by maximizing efficiency at work using these AI Tools.

🔥 AI tools

🧑‍⚖️ Genie AI: Your AI legal assistant. Understand, customize and negotiate any legal document.

📄Docue AI: Copilot for sales professionals. Send proposals 10X faster. Create new proposals automatically from your past proposals using AI.

🧠Chatmind: Chat-driven mind mapping and brainstorming. Features include auto-saving, easy edits, theme changes, and upcoming AI capabilities.

💥GetMax- Craft your content marketing strategies for maximum traffic.

📽️Morise AI- Features that will 10x your YouTube channel to make a creator’s life easier.



We already have talking AI dog-bots, it’s reasonable to assume we’ll one day have AI pets.

But what if those AI pets get sentient intelligence and decide to revolt?

Images by DALL E 3

🥷BE more productive with AI

Only 3% of Americans consider themselves experts in generative AI, according to the Ipsos Consumer Tracker.

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Here’s some free resources, I checked out all these tools so you don’t have to:

⬇️ Captain AI’s 100 tools 🔥🚨

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