CES 2024 Highlights!

PLUS: OpenAI Secretly Changes Military Policy

Welcome, AI Superheroes

Welcome to the new year!

New Week, New AI Applications. 

CES 2024 - The Largest Tech Event In The World Was Last Week. Let’s Dig In All The Most Interesting Highlights!

Today’s Menu:

  1. ⚡ Keep Up To Date With Latest News!

  2. ⚒️ 5 AI tools to transform you into an AI Superhero

  3. 🎨 AI Robots as Nannies!

  4. 📚 Resources

Read time: 2 minutes




  • Rabbit R1: Pocket sized Personal AI Assistant. Replaces Apps.

  • Transparent OLED TV: Can be transparent, digital fish tank or fire.

  • Foldable TV: 4K. Folds in under 90 seconds. 165-inch worth $300,000.

  • MouthPad: 3D-printed retainer. Scroll Devices by Moving Your Tongue.

  • AntiSnore Pillow: Monitors Snoring Signs. Adjusts Position Accordingly.

  • Samsung’s Pixar-like robot, Ballie: AI Home Personal Assistant.

  • Holoconnects: AI powered hologram.

  • Mental Health AI Mirror: Analyzes your expressions, adapts to mood.

Why It’s Relevant To You:

CES 2024 didn’t disappoint! As predicted, this year we will be seeing exciting AI Applications. More Importantly, we will see them being useful for day-to-day practices and making our lives much easier.

Robotics & AI

What Happened: 

Norwegian AI robotics startup 1X Technologies AS raised $100 million to bring to market its second-generation android robot, NEO, that it says can help humans with everyday domestic tasks.

NEO walks and moves like a human, on 2 feet. It can clean, organize, operate machinery and do complex tasks.

Why It’s Relevant: 

As predicted last week, this year will see the exponential development of AI Robotics. They will completely change the dynamic of the workforce, household chores, and personal assistants.

OpenAI & AI

What Happened: 

OpenAI quietly removes language in its usage policies that prohibits the use of ChatGPT for military purposes.

The new policy keeps language that forbids “using the service to harm yourself or others”, but the reshuffling means ChatGPT can now be used in weapons development and in the military.

Why Should I Care? 

This seems like a step back from AI Safety. While ChatGPT is not currently powerful enough to be a disastrous weapon, it could be in the future. It’s also concerning OpenAI wanted to remove this ban quietly.

Jobs & AI

IF You’re Interested in Becoming an AI Researcher: 

AI has so far been a two-sided coin when it comes to careers. There have been many layoffs in the tech industry, but there new jobs have also been created, some with almost inflated salaries.

The table below shows some of the top salary negotiations you can have as an AI researcher in top tech companies.


🤖When Will AGI Happen?

The expected years until Artificial General Intelligence arrives becomes increasingly shorter as AI exponentially innovates and develops. At this rate, we can probably expect AGI by 2027!

Ilya, OpenAI’s Chief Scientist, and the one who started the whole OpenAI drama a few weeks ago, delivers a speech on the exciting journey towards AGI.


🔥 AI tools

🗓️kAI: Transform Your Daily Routine. Create an Agenda with AI.

PromptWhisperer: Prompt Perfection. Let AI Do The Work For You.

💻Codara: Let AI Identify and Fix Your Bugs For You. AI Reviews Code.

🎥Fliz: Create A Video in just One Click. High Quality.

🗣️ Rimo: Instant Translation & Transcription. Audio to Text.


Game of Thrones Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Images by Dall E 3


Here are free resources, I checked out all these tools so you don’t have to:

⬇️ Captain AI’s 100 tools 🔥🚨

That’s all for today, folks!

Captain AI’s Request

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