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  • AI & Robotics - Welcome To The Future

AI & Robotics - Welcome To The Future

PLUS: OpenAI Launches GPT Store

Welcome, AI Superheroes

Welcome to the new year!

I feel 2024 will focus on AI & Robotics - The Magical Combination!

Let’s check all the different AI Applications into Machines in today’s edition! Same AI, Different Robot Machines

Today’s Menu:

  1. ⚡ Keep Up To Date With Latest News!

  2. ⚒️ 5 AI tools to transform you into an AI Superhero

  3. 🎨 AI Robots as Nannies!

  4. 📚 Resources

Read time: 2 minutes


AI & Robotics

It’s Happening!

I-Robot is slowly becoming a reality 🤖

Brett Adcock, CEO of robotics company Figure, shared a video (above) of their prototype ‘Figure-01’: A robot with end-to-end AI system. In this video, Figure 01 learned how to make coffee after watching for 10 hours a video training of humans performing the task themselves.

What’s interesting is the AI Robot incorrectly places the coffee pod, realizes on its own the mistake it’s made, and properly places the coffee pod. It was also impressive to see the robot using both its arms to accomplish its task.

Why It’s Super Important:

Bridging AI systems, human data, and robotics is a scalable path to creating robots that can perform tedious and laboring tasks and real jobs such as warehouse work. After all, AI is supposed to make human lives better. This is merely a glimpse into the future of robotics.

This will also enable people to turn to more creative outlets and have more time on their hands!

Samsung & AI

Samsung’s Delight: 

Samsung goes all in on AI at CES 2024, rolling out the new AI robot companion at homes.

Ballie, the advanced AI Robot:

  • Comes to you when Summoned

  • Greets you at the Door

  • Has a built-in projector to display content at any wall - including Streaming, Youtube, Images, Video Calls..

  • Has front & rear cameras to detect & analyze surroundings. It also learns recurring user patterns, anticipate needs & automate functions.

  • Is Cute

Why It’s Needed: 

Another good application of merging AI & Robotics. Ballie is the type of smart companion which will enhance human experience at homes. A vast step up from Siri or Alexa.

Automobiles & AI

What Happened: 

Volkswagen partners with Cerence to integrate ChatGPT in automobiles, effectively making it a car assistant.

The AI will have flexibility and extensive customization. It can be used for useful reasons on the road, to provide entertainement, or even for fun conversations with driver and passengers.

Why Should I Care? 

2023 was the year of AI softwares and applications you can use on your PC. 2024 will be the year we see wider AI applications into daily use and benefits, from robots at home to AI systems in your car.

Google & AI

When I-Robot movie was released in 2004, the laws made for robots not to hurt humans was cool sci-fi dialogue. 20 years later, it is now a reality!

The Story: 

Google announces a “Robot Constitution” to govern AI merged robots, aka intelligent machines.

Based on Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics”, these laws are intended as intructions and guidance for these machines’ decision making process.

The first law is, you guessed it, “A robot may not injure a human being”. Chills. Literal Chills. Sci-Fi is no longer fiction.

Why It’s Relevant: 

End of 2023 saw more focus on AI Safety. This “Robot Constitution” is an important step in the safe development of AI, especially as AI systems are being merged with robotics and machines. We must always strive to ensure AI Safety above all. This will make sure AI systems benefit us in the long run.

OpenAI & Journalism

The Story: 

Feels like watching Succession again. Media vs Tech. Old School vs Modern Times. Open AI vs New York Times. NYT sued OpenAI for using its copyrighted articles to train and improve ChatGPT.

OpenAI fought back claiming their AI models are trained on publically available content, which falls under fair use. They also provide an opt-out for news organizations, further claiming they collaborate with them.

Why It’s Important: 

AI Copyright issues linger, and currently there are no clear guidelines on the matter. This lawsuit could set a precedent for what’s to come in terms of AI Copyright Infrigments.


A student project called PIGEON, Predicting Image Geolocations, uses AI to identify any location based on a picture’s background. A strong AI application, which obviously comes with privacy issues.

The project intends to stop efforts from scammers who use personal audio and employ fake news to scam families and friends.

OpenAI finally launches the GPT Store. You can buy or sell your own GPT. Check what’s trending. However, be careful! Many GPTs will likely end up being useless, repetitions, made to sell a buck. It will take time to weave out the bad ones and realize the good ones.


🔥 AI tools

🖼️Aragon: Transform Your Pictures Into AI Generated Professional Headshots.

✉️InboxZero: Clean Up Your Inbox In Minutes With AI Automation & Analytics.

💪Impakt: Maximize Your Fitness Efficiency With AI Coach.

🎶Suno: Make a Song With Suno. No Instrument Needed. Mind to Music.

🗣️ Audyo: Text In. Audio Out. Human Quality AI Voices.


Robots As Nanny Assistants

Images by Leonardo AI


Here are free resources, I checked out all these tools so you don’t have to:

⬇️ Captain AI’s 100 tools 🔥🚨

That’s all for today, folks!

Captain AI’s Request

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